As someone who takes medication twice a day, I know what it’s like trying to keep all your medications organized and take them on time. I have experienced firsthand the serious consequences of not taking my medications as prescribed. The PillRite was created by me because of my own frustrations with taking my medications. During my research, I learned there are millions of people just like me who struggle with taking their meds as prescribed. I was confident PillRite could help these people make their lives healthier and happier. Not having to fill your pillbox every week and having all your medical information in one place could be lifesaving. The PillRite works for me and I am certain it will work for you.

Our mission is to design, manufacture, and deliver products that meet the needs and expectations of each customer. We will do this by supplying our customer with safe and effective ways to manage their medications and supplements while delivering top quality products. We will manage our business with integrity and the highest ethical standards, and act in a socially responsible manner with particular emphasis on the well-being of our customer and their special needs.